Jen Pietsch
Orcas Island, WA

I love spending time outdoors, gardening, running and raising my fleeced friends!
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Monday, December 20, 2010

postheadericon Oh the Weather Outside is Frightfull

But inside it's quite delightful- but there is a Tinkerbelle sized spot in the run-in because she is happier outside watching the wind blow.

Anyone in my family will tell you that Tinkerbelle- aka Tinker-belle, Tinker, or Stinker if your feeling funny, is one of my 24 favorites!!!

She is so funny that if there is one alpaca that defines what it is like to not be an alpaca, she is it!


(Please note: Her fleece is out of hand here- we had a bit of a communication problem with farmer Jeff and the sheerer) Please don't tell Tink I posted her on a bad hair day!

She is curious like all alpaca, but takes her curiosity much further. She will happily separate herself from the herd to see what is going on in the world. The chickens are her favorite--all those pretty colors and their voices, captivating.

Here is an example- my camera is still on vacation in Oregon so close your eyes and imagine- except well then you can't read- so figure it out yourself.

The weather has been really wet here. Wet like we could go rafting in our pasture wet. When it has gotten like this in the past I have set-up a temporary fence for the animals to have a pasture on the hill to keep their feet dry.

Let me go further to say that when it is too wet for the animals to effectively graze- you know find enough to eat- I give them hay to eat and make them happy...and frankly in many cases fat. Do not call the ASPCA they are not starving.


Tinkerbelle, who is one of Trina's daughters, is more fond of hay than any grain you can put in a bowl at feeding time, however, she will forgo most anything for the promise of an adventure.

During the past day I have been setting-up a temporary pasture for the 'pacs to enjoy. Tinkerbelle is steadfast in her interest. I love when she is paying attention. Her eyes are amazing- kinda like satellite dishes- in the most attractive sense. They really poke out of her head.

Well, poor planning farmer- or maybe super-plan-ahead farmer I am making the temporary pasture a little bigger and a little more permanent than in times past. I plan to leave this one up until early spring. In order for this to happen I need more fencing materials.

I decided to do what I could with what I had and then get the rest of the supplies and finish the job tomorrow. I was able to get the pasture half fenced and then had to stop to purchase more supplies.

Tinkerbelle was facinated. Not only was I out mucking around in the field more than usual. I was pounding fence posts in grassy areas! Meals would come and go, hay would come and go and Tinkerbelle watched the soon to be new pasture. Talk about pressure. She was pacing at the gate.

I'll be picking up the rest of the fencing supplies tomorrow when they come in at the hardware store and will put Tinkerbelle's suspense to rest. She will be in her new pasture before the sun sets tomorrow. All will be well in her world and I will no longer be under such close supervision.

For more information on Tinker like when she had her baby last year click here!

Tick Tick Tick Christmas is coming!!!

TINKERBELLE!!!! with better haircut!

We think she looks a little like Sara Jessica Parker but attractive Sara Jessica Parker has a unique look some might call U-G-L-Y, Tink on the other hand is drop dead gorgeous!! Sorry Sara you just can't compete!



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